December 17, 2005
Dear PA Young Democrats:
2004 was a remarkable year for the PA Young Democrats. We earned the respect of our party leadership by organizing around the state and having an impact in our party and on this year's elections in Pennsylvania. Its time to take advantage of that respect and raise our voices on the future of the Democratic Party.
In February, 450 members of the Democratic National Committee will gather to elect a new chairman for the DNC. Young Democrats were a force nationally this year and will continue to be a force in the Democratic Party. Our voices should be heard by those who represent us at the national level and we should let them know how we feel about the direction of our party and who should lead it at the highest levels.
At this point in time, there are nearly a dozen potential candidates for the position of DNC Chair, including former presidential candidate Howard Dean, former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb, party activist Don Fowler and others.
I am asking you to send me your thoughts on who you think should be elected to lead our party in the next term. I will compile your emails and send them to State Party Chair TJ Rooney, other voting members of the DNC from Pennsylvania, and to the three members of the DNC from the Young Democrats of America. Please send me your comments, with your name and the county you live in, by January 5, 2005.
Take a moment to help influence who the next chairman of the DNC should be! Send your comments to me at by January 5, 2005. Forward this message to other young Democrats in your county.
Happy Holidays!
Tony Campisi
President, Pennsylvania Young Democrats
1st Vice Chair, Delaware County Democratic Party
Posted by Herb Riede
Correspondence Secretary
Pennsylvania Young Democrats