Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Monday, January 10, 2005
Regola's good start
Calling for an end to lame-duck sessions is an auspicious start for Regola, 42, who last fall knocked off entrenched Democrat Sen. Allen Kukovich by more than 5,300 votes. Obviously Regola's not afraid of a tough fight. As a fresh-thinker in Harrisburg, he'll endure many over the next four years.
Welcome to the fight, Mr. Regola.
http://pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/opinion/archive/s_290910.htmlNotice how the Scaife-rag conveniently fails to mention exactly HOW their "fresh-thinking" Regola managed to "knock off" Allen Kukovich -- WITH THE HELP OF THE TRIBUNE-REVIEW ITSELF MAKING A FALSE, PERSONAL LAWSUIT AGAINST ALLEN THE WEEKEND BEFORE THE ELECTION!
Welcome to the puppet show, Trib readers.
(That's what you get for being so dumb as to give Richard Scaife money for his POS "newpaper".)