Swann: What's Illegal About Having A Junk Food Vending Machine in School?
19 Corporate Crime Reporter 3(3), January 14, 2005
Lynn Swann yesterday answered critics who want him fired as chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
Swann was paid an undisclosed amount to appear next to a vending machine filled with junk food and with a group of African-American elementary school children at a press conference sponsored by the vending machine industry at the National Press Club.
“I’m not appearing here as chairman (of the President's Council), I’m appearing here as Lynn Swann as a private citizen,” Swann said. “And that was clear from the beginning. When you have an industry that is trying to do the right thing, and to try and have some impact, I don’t see that as a conflict.”
Republicans in Pennsylvania want the former Pittsburgh Steeler football wide receiver to run for Governor in 2006 against Ed Rendell.