Catholics (I was raised Catholic but am now a Quaker, so I have a foot in neither camp) certainly believe they can be evangelical with a small "e" - if you define an evangelical as someone who spreads the Word of the Lord. And I'm sure there are many non-Catholic Christians who would believe that Catholics can be Evangelical as well.
Some Evangelicals believe that there are several Protestant faiths that can be considered Evangelical, and that even though Catholics are Christians, they're pretty much disqualified as Evangelicals because they don't believe you have to be "born again" to be saved, which is a cornerstone of Evangelicalism. other fundamentalist "Christian" radio people basically look at Catholics as non-Christian cultists or heathens, and therefore a target for "conversion" (hence mission trips to Mexico and South America that target Catholics). Good explanation
here My Catholic mother asked her brand new next-door-neighbors if they were Catholic and they said "No! We're
Christians!" Needless to say, my mother took pretty deep offense to that. Plus they told their 5 yo that "Catholics worship statues" and that's why he wasn't allowed in my parents' yard, where there is a St. Francis in the garden.
As far as religions - I think most Protestant denominations would consider themselves Evangelical.