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Rural/Central PA FrameShop?

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betweenwars Donating Member (30 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-17-05 09:48 AM
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Rural/Central PA FrameShop?
Edited on Thu Feb-17-05 10:31 AM by betweenwars
I'm trying to cull a small group of message "framers" to help our new array of liberal groups. One's starting a newspaper, one's trying to pressure the local democratic party, one's bent on protesting the war.

What I'm seeing is that we need a group that formulates frames--overarching narratives--and then offers messages that reinforce those frames. And I'd like to see the frames develop through local issues (that, ironically, local so-called conservatives support). I think that's the way to win over those who vote against their own interests because of the appeal, in their eyes, of the Republican brand name.

Any takers? I'm in Tioga County. The paper I'm referring to will begin in Lycoming.

M. G.
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