More than one half of one percent of Rhode Islanders live in medically bankrupt families. These aren’t people who are gaming the system. These are folks whose health care costs spiraled out of control to the point where they couldn’t meet a mortgage payment. These are two-income families where mom had to take an unpaid leave from her job to take care of dad while he recovered from heart surgery. These are families where mom, who is the sole source of income, got breast cancer. They are a diverse bunch united by only two facts: first, that bankruptcy was the last resort and the only hope for getting back on track; and second, that their Senator, Lincoln Chafee, is turning his back on them.
Rhode Island is one of five states that permits the creation of asset protection trusts, which let rich bankruptcy filers shield high-value assets from creditors. States like Rhode Island and Delaware are engaged in a race to the bottom – rolling back protections in an effort to increase credit industry profits. It doesn’t take much to connect the dots between Chafee’s support for S.256 and the large contributions he’s received from the following political action committees: