This is the actual letter published today in the Westerly RI Sun by me.11/09/05.
My first letter got one hate letter back at me and about 5 people thanked me.
This is hotter and more current.
THANX for all your INSPIRATION and a lil bit a SOUL.
"The Republicans are busy in this Holiday season.In their infamous traditon of robbing from the poor to give to the rich,its sure to be a grand ole party again this year for the Republicans. The current Bush/Cheney administration has cut taxes 4 times during wartime which is unprecedented in US History.They cut taxes for the uber rich at the expense of the rest of us. These illegal and undeclared wars have been used to loot the US treasury at the expense of the middle class. In his book "Crimes against Nature" Robert K. Kennedy jr. quotes Benito Mussolini's insight that "fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." This is exactly the direction which the GOP is taking the USA. Kennedy further said:"The biggest threat to American democracy is corporate power." If an individual speaks out against this current administration,one is called unpatriotic and even a traitor. This is shouted loudly from the politicians,most of whom have never served in the active duty U.S.Military and most have children who never will either.
Yes, it will be a great holiday season for the wealthy as they take more money from the social programs of the needy and complain how more of your tax dollars are needed to fund even more wars.Its called corporate welfare! Corporate wars for huge profits while the US Constitution is labeled an antique document and more freedoms need to be removed. In this Holiday season,let us pause to remember the most needy and also sadly realize their numbers will soon grow due to the current cuts in social programs like Social Security,Medicare,food stamps,student loans.."