Rhode Island GOP to join Hawaii party's complaint against Brown
By M.L. Johnson, Associated Press Writer | March 30, 2006
PROVIDENCE, R.I. --The Rhode Island Republican Party is joining Hawaii Republicans in asking the Federal Elections Commission to investigate donations that Secretary of State Matt Brown's Senate campaign received from three state Democratic parties.
Brown, who is running for the seat held by Republican Lincoln Chafee, received $25,000 in donations from state Democratic parties in Hawaii, Massachusetts and Maine late last year. Days later, four Brown supporters -- at his request -- gave those parties a total of $30,000.
Republicans accuse Brown's campaign of filtering money through Democratic parties in other states in order to skirt federal elections laws that limit individual donations to campaigns to $4,200.
Brown has said that he did nothing illegal: His campaign's field director merely asked the parties for a donation and offered to help them fundraise in return.
linkForgive my ignorance, but isn't this right out of DeLay's playbook?
I sure hope that the media give more attention to Carl Sheeler, in order to have a real choice for our senator. Or is this just a way to declaw Brown and get Sheldon Whitehouse in as the only "legit" Democrat.