There are about 1000 registered voters at my polling place. I voted @6:30 PM and I was 196 and there was 1 person voting the same time I was. I voted Sheeler and Lawless. I didn't unafiliate, so I voted in the Democratic primary. I had considered voting in the Republican primary, but I really wanted my votes to go toward Sheeler and Lawless. Even if neither of them wins, if they give a decent showing, Whitehouse might move a little to the left. Langevin is a lost cause. DINO, DINO, DINO.
C-Span 2 is going to be showing the election special from channel ten starting at, I think, 9:00. It's also a call in show, as far as I know. I think some people are going to be caught unaware if Laffey wins. And if Laffey wins, it's only going to be because the independents voted Laffey specifically to get him as the candidate against Whitehouse. He's going to be a puffed up little banty rooster if he wins, and he'll be the insufferable prig he is, but he's got no chance in the general.
People like Chafee, they don't like Laffey. I'm talking on a personal level.
My sister and her husband, former republicans, have never unafilliated, so they voted in the Republican primary. They both voted Laffey with the intention of getting him into the general so Whitehouse would have an easier time. They are both actually working on the Whitehouse campaign-- after being republicans (in the chafee style, not the Santorum style) their entire lives.
I think this is going to be a close race, but I think Laffey has a shot. And I *hope* that's not just wishful thinking on my part. We'll find out in a little over two hours.
If Laffey gets the R nomination, the DNC will save a lot of money in RI. If Chafee gets the nom, RI is going to be a tough fight.