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The IRONMAN just screwed up Providence and got away with it.

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slampoet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-12-09 10:08 PM
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The IRONMAN just screwed up Providence and got away with it.
WTF is Wrong with these fukin organizers?

This event held up traffic EVERYWHERE and in places that are not on the website map.

The police DIDN’T direct traffic AT ALL and even harassed a couple of people who asked for directions. None of the store owners were told ahead of time. ALL of Olneyville AND THE EAST SIDE was screwed up Even though in Both cases the route was just 5 minutes and less than 18 blocks from THE BIKE PATH!!!!

Why in the world did we build a damn bike path for 60+ miles in this state if NO ONE is going to use it? Is it that the bike path goes through richer whiter neighborhoods?
Why were the people directing traffic WEARING CAMOUFLAGE? The cops were wearing safty orange but these military dicks weren’t.

Why was it routed through a Hispanic neighborhood and yet nobody was bi-lingual?

Why was it routed down HOPE STREET the worst paved road on the east side and NOT through residential areas like Elmwood with better pavement? (or the bike path with its glass smooth surface and WATER ACCESS?)

I suggest anyone who had one of the only decent weekend days of their summer ruined by this ILL PLANNED event call the Jerks in FLORIDA who set this fiasco up improperly and call them first thing in the morning. Their # is Phone: (813) 868-5940 Fax: (813) 868-5930

Just because everything is screwed up in Florida doesn’t give them the right to export their sloppy work here.
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katkat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-09-09 08:40 AM
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1. um
What about the gov jerks in RI who okayed it? That's who I'd go after.
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