Yeah, anything to inspire Democrats to act like
"the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" !!!
My proposal is to have elections 6 times a year to
inspire people and show them how real ultra democracy
(Granted these will be organization elections, not public elections, but it is an inspiring concept).
So far, no takers. I am hoping South Dakotans aren't waiting
for a billionaire like George Soros to give the thumbs up on this
idea! UDO can literally be started with a nickel, in any precinct or county in South Dakota!
Wait for the Sioux Falls leadership to wake up and smell the change?
Why not assume that the best things that we can think of, CAN HAPPEN?
How about a Think Tank With Attitude, that was started with a few nickels, meets at taco places and Pizza ranches, that has elections every 2 months, and totally changes things in South Dakota?
I'm hoping it can start in South Dakota this year, and hopefully in other states, too.
The Democratic Party has been hijacked by Republican Lite.
The First Amendment protects our right to free speech and peacefulk assembly.
This is powerful, and allows UDO to exist and THRIVE!
My blog address is: /
Feel free to visit, add some comments and ideas.
It will truly make history!