Here are the results for Harding County--all paper ballots--
Kerry 94 votes
Bush 704 votes
Others 17 votes
So Kerry had just 11.5% of the vote!
Here's how we can turn Harding (and all counties in SD) BLUE!
My message is--elect Democrats every 2 months---
Here's how we can paint South Dakota Ultra-Blue! This will work for
any state in the USA--do this in your state- start an UDO group!
After the election, I decided to change things. I decided we needed to have our own elections-- 6 times a year!
Check out UDO!
Wanna OutBLUE people in a Red County? Check out my Yahoo Group-- /
Let's start a state wide UDO (Ultra Democratic organization)--
first elections December 2004!
(Anyone can join the Yahoo group)