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"Stand up for the right to vote. Support SB205.

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Home » Discuss » Places » South Dakota Donate to DU
sarahlee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-10-05 03:12 PM
Original message
"Stand up for the right to vote. Support SB205.
This is the bill that protects our right to vote.
Now we need to get it to the Senate floor.

Call as many of these people as possible: They will take messages Thursday until 4 pm. They start taking messages again tomorrow at 8 am (or 9 am). Call before 2 pm Friday when the vote to bring it to the Senate floor is.

Ask your friends and family to do the same.

"Stand up for the right to vote. Support SB205."


Abdallah, Gene G
Apa, Jerry
Bartling, Julie
Duenwald, Jay
Earley, William F
Gant, Jason M
Greenfield, Brock L
Hanson, Gary D
Hundstad, Jim
Kelly, Dick
Knudson, Dave
Koetzle, Gil
McCracken, Royal "Mac"
Moore, Garry A
Napoli, William M
Peterson, Jim
Schoenbeck, Lee
Smidt, Orville B
Sutton, Dan
Sutton, Duane

The complete text of the bill is as follows. ("legislative" means we have the right to bring a conditional use permits such as a feedlot to a referendum vote if sufficient signatures are collected)

7-18A-15.1. Any legislative decision of any county governing body is subject to the referendum process. The granting of any conditional use permit by a county governing body is a legislative decision. A legislative decision is one that enacts a permanent law or lays down a rule of conduct or course of policy for the guidance of citizens or their officers. Any matter of a permanent or general character is a legislative decision.

No administrative decision of a governing body is subject to the referendum process, unless specifically authorized by this code. An administrative decision is one that merely puts into execution a plan already adopted by the governing body itself or by the Legislature. Supervision of a program is an administrative decision. Hiring, disciplining, and setting the salaries of employees are administrative decisions

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young_dfler Donating Member (8 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-15-05 05:00 PM
Response to Original message
1. lee schoenbeck
I called Lee's office and gave a senate paige a message to tell Sen. Schoenbeck
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