Terry Woster
Argus Leader
published: 04/28/2004
PIERRE - Bob Newland, who pushed a ballot measure to legalize agricultural hemp when he ran for attorney general two years ago, said Tuesday he is circulating petitions to enter South Dakota's U.S. Senate race.
Newland, 56, said abolishing the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs and negotiating differences between the government and Native American tribes would be key parts of his platform in his independent campaign against Democratic Sen. Tom Daschle and former Republican Rep. John Thune.
Neither major-party candidate offers voters real choice, said Newland, who must collect 3,346 signatures by June 1 to run as an independent affiliated with the Libertarian Party.
Newland listed a handful of issues he said both Daschle and Thune favor, including ethanol, Ellsworth Air Force Base and job growth.