Saturday, April 2 ~ Check out Bob Mabb's good ad in the classified section of the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. "TEENS, Think Ahead" is the caption of the ad offering local counseling contacts for youth who might want to declare as conscientious objectors in the event of a military draft revival. Show the ad to a young person who might benefit from seeing it. Sunday, April 3 SIOUX FALLS, 3:00-4:00 pm ~ Sunday witness for peace at the federal courthouse, 400 S. Phillips Avenue. Spring is here. There will be witness on the courthouse steps every Sunday now that the weather is warmer (as opposed to winter schedule of only first Sunday) The company, the signs, the conversation are all great on the courthouse steps. Monday, April 4 RAPID CITY, 7:00 pm ~ RC P&J Chapter meeting at Mother Butler Center. Sponsoring a discussion led by Tom Katus of the Rural Ethnic Institute: "Should we work towards a South Dakota Progressive Coalition?" Several Midwestern states already have Progressive Coalition organizations. Recently, South Dakotans have studied the possibility. Come, and bring your friends. Wednesday, April 6 SIOUX FALLS, 7:00 pm ~ Augustana Coalition for Social Justice sponsors a free showing of The Corporation. Augustana College Morrison Commons. All are welcome (to be blown away by this great documentary). Thursday, April 7 ST FRANCIS COMMUNITY HALL, 5:00 pm ~ A community discussion of plans to get rid of the hog concentration camp on Rosebud trust land, followed by community meal. Attorney Jim Dougherty will be there. Very important community business! Friday, April 8 ANTELOPE COMMUNITY HALL, 5:00 pm ~ A community discussion of plans to get rid of the hog concentration camp on Rosebud trust land, followed by community meal. Attorney Jim Dougherty will be there. Very important community business! Spare parts for the killing machine Today, March 31, the Selective Service System reported to President Bush its readiness to implement a military draft within 75 days. Right now the SSS is staffing local draft boards, training volunteer registrars to work on high school and college campuses, and streamlining its induction process. They have commandeered the Department of Education's computer files, to insure maximum registration.
The military has failed to meet all monthly enlistment and retention goals so far this year for reserves, National Guard, and volunteer regular forces. To remedy a shortage of spare parts for its killing machine, the Pentagon has raised the voluntary enlistment threshold to Age 39 and raised enlistment bonuses dramatically.
Do you have young people in your family, high school age through 25, for whom the military draft may be a realistic prospect? Are they opposed to war as an instrument of national policy? If they think they may qualify for Conscientious Objector status, it would be prudent for them to consider the subject deeply and intentionally prepare well BEFORE they are summoned by their local draft board.
The Peace & Justice Center has on hand 50 copies of Conscientious Objectors and the Draft. It is published by the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society, in cooperation with the Center on Conscience & War, and is the single most complete and helpful resource we know of on this subject. Advise concerned young people that the Center will mail them a copy if they send a self-addressed business letter-size (9-1/2" x 4") envelope stamped with 60 cents postage. We are suggesting a donation of $2.00, our cost, so that we can replenish this resource.