Sunday, May 1, is the second anniversary of the G. W. Bush's triumphal address from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, in which he declared the combat phase of the operation to be finished. Nevertheless, we continue to heap up corpses, both American and Iraqi. The 7 mile stretch between the airport and the Green Zone of Baghdad is the most dangerous on earth. Since that combat phase was over, we've had our very own Guernica TWICE Although Saddam's Iraq was not in cahoots with Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda recruiters in Iraq these days are mobbed with volunteers. Top US brass and in-the-field GIs alike agree that US troops are stuck in Iraq for years into the forseeable. No WMDs uncovered since they didn't exist. Yet that banner on May 1, 2003, famously read, "Mission Accomplished." Remind us, please. What was that mission?
Saturday, April 30
Yankton 7:00 PM ~ P&J Chapter will assemble the last day of April for the "May" meeting at at Emmaus House, 401 Green Street. It's the 72nd anniversary of the launch of the Catholic Worker by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. Celebrate with liturgy, music, speakers -- Molly and Jerry Mechtenburg-Berrigan, Catholic Workers from Luck Wisconsin.
Sunday, May 1New York City ~ major demonstration of national and international support for to abolish nukes & save the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, spearheaded by Mayors for Peace, an international group started by the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. More on the NPT in a separate message this weekend.
Rapid City 11:00 AM ~ All peaceful people are cordially invited to brunch at the home of Tom Katus: 821 Upper Pines Drive, Rapid City ( See directions at end of this email) to informally meet and listen to Robyn Thomas and Michael Saba. Tom will provide Brats, Bergers, Buns, Beans and Beverages. Please bring one condiment or food item to supplement the fare. RSVP: Tom at tkatus or (605) 718-0545
Both Mike and Robyn will appear later at SDSM&T on a Middle East Peace Forum with Senator McGovern
3:00-5:30 PM ~ SD School of Mines & Technology Surbeck Ballroom --
"Prospects for Peace: A Discussion of Peace Proposals for the Middle East." Forum speakers are Robyn Thomas (Executive Director, Tikkun Community), Michael Saba, PhD (Executive Director, Friends of Saudi Arabia), and Senator George McGovern. Organized by the Black Hills area group, Bridges for Intercultural Understanding. Co-sponsors: SD School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City Regional Hospital's Cultural Diversity Committee, the Rapid City Journal, and the Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce Cultural Diversity Committee.
Sioux Falls 1:00-2:45 PM
~ Interfaith Task Force Against the Death Penalty meets at Calvary Episcopal Cathedral, 500 S Main Avenue, downtown. Hopeful new developments on death penalty front in our state. Anyone interested is invited to latch onto the action or just sit in. Still seeking Presbyterian and American Baptist participant for the task force.
3:00-4:00 PM ~ Sunday peace vigil at the Federal Courthouse
400 S Phillips Avenue, downtown.
Signs and banners or just the witnessing persons of you and your friends are a weekly signal of encouragement to passing traffic. You yourself will be encouraged by the great conversation and by appreciative honks and thumbs-ups from passers by.
Monday, May 2
Rapid City 7:00 PM ~ Mother Butler Center.
RC Peace & Justice Chapter invites all to a showing & discussion of Unconstitutional, a documentary showing how civil liberties in the United States have been infringed upon, curtailed, and rolled back since passage of the USA Patriot Act. Is our Constitution a casualty in the War Against Terror? Bring your friends.
Directions to Tom's place:
From Exit 57 off I-90, go thru 3 stop lights, in order: Omaha, Main, St. Joe turn right at 4th intersection next stop sign (west) onto Kansas City St
From Rapid City Regional Airport Take SD Hwy 44 West into Rapid City (becomes Omaha Street). Remain on 44/Omaha until you reach West Blvd, turn left (South) onto West, go thru lights, Main, St. Joe and turn right @ Stop sign (West) onto Kansas City street.
Stay on Kansas City St. as it begins to climb –Kansas City becomes a gravel road (Pine Heights). Sign says Dead End (I’m IT) – Keep coming…
Continue climbing up gravel road to Upper Pines, turn right continue climbing. Arrive at last house on Upper Pines --
-- 821 Upper Pines Drive
Phone: 718-0545