The big news; our billboards are up in Sioux Falls. The feedback and response has been AMAZING! We mainly received responses of sincere thanks, we heard some reserved concerns and we even got couple of pieces of hate mail – we appreciate all of it!
We firmly believe this. We are excited to take the message, “Democrats make America stronger”, to the street. We also believe discussion makes America stronger, that is why we did not shy away from reminding America of our values – taking care of the poor and managing the deficit. Based on the outpouring of financial support, we know you agree with us – Democrats do make America stronger.
The Billboards are up and the feedback has been tremendous. The Argus Leader picked up the story on Tuesday and interviewed our own Lisa Engels.
“The whole thing behind it is to counteract the Christian right and their so-called monopoly on religion,” "They have been able to get out there and convince people that the flag wraps better around them than it does us, and that is not true.”
The sign above is located at 7th and Minnesota. The second sign is located at 3000 W Russell.
We also have a second sign. It has not generated the calls the first one has, but it ties into the message of the first. As our deficit grows the Republicans can easily make an argument that social programs need to be cut. Meanwhile the government subsidize oil companies and funds two wars in the middle east.
I think these would make great T-Shirts.