Hi wicasa. Qusi (kuh-sigh) Al-Haj was the GOP Pennington County Chairman until this year. He is a Palestinian schooled in Saudi Arabia and a naturalized American citizen. He owns and operates a computer business in Rapid City and he and his wife spent some years living and working on the reservations and have a genuine concern for the rights of the Lakota.
I would call him a moderate Republican, generally at war with the Republican right, so much so Janklow once stuck his finger in his face because he opposed a Janklow appointment, but Janklow couldn't say anything except stammer over and over again: "Mr. Al-Haj, Mr. Al-Haj!" with all that spittle spraying form his bad dental work.
Qusi went to bat for the reservations a few years back, when he found the GOP wasn't going to spend one thin dime campaigning there. They didn't listen and Thune lost to Johnson. They sure listened after that. And when I contacted the various party chairmen in the Hills when doing a story once they only had glowing words of praise for him. One old redneck said, "He's one smart guy, and if you wanna learn something, just keep yourself quiet and let him do the talking." So we met over a bagel in Rapid and I let Qusi do the talking and the the redneck was right, he was one smart guy, and I learned so much about how the political machine operates, and until I met Qusi I didn't think a decent person could be GOP.
I still won't ever vote GOP, but it is nice to know there is one I could vote for if he ever ran for any office, which I don't think he will. For a time there, he had quite a bit of influence and power with the SD GOP and all of this occured after 9/11.
So although I have spent a lifetime at the business-end of instituionalized racism in this state, I still think most people will look past your color and religion if you are on their team, even the right wing GOP. I never heard one person bring up his ethnicity and I met a number of the old guard who liked him but worried "he is too damn liberal." I never met a GOP person who disliked him, and I talked to quite a number of the rank and file about Qusi over the course of a year or so.
So being a Palestinian has not hurt Qusi with the GOP, let alone being Lebanese.
As far as Herseth goes, what you say may be true, I have never met her, I am just relating what other people I respect have told me, and extrapolating that assessment from other political types of similar personality I have experienced. One of the most painful realizations for me, wicasa, was that the Dems could be bastards, too. I was such a good Democrat I would never have believed it. But they invited me to a party meeting in Hill City, and the snobbery was oppressive. I went to a small dinner gathering with Thune in Hot Springs and was welcomed with open arms, they fed me and pampered me, and although they hated my politics, they were genuinely willing to like me just for me.
The Dems have got to lose this haughty snobbery manner with which they interact with regular folks. There was a Dem lawyer in Hot Springs all bent out of shape about starving kids in South America and Africa while Lakota kids a stone's throw from her doorstep were suffering in poverty. This designer targeted compassion is too common among the educated Dem elite and they will never connect with the Red States until they admit it is a habit and take measures to tone it down. I knew a nurse whose politics I much respected, but on the job she had contempt for the aides on the nursing home floor, their intelligence, their worth ethic, and they viewed her with equal contempt. Eventually she was asked to resign. She never did get it. I still admire her politics, but the GOP knows how to connect with the working class, knows how to get them to hate the very things that would benefit them, labor unions, a decent living wage, national health insurance, taxes on the rich. Did you know one year I was unemployed for 6 months and still wound up OWING the government 67 dollars? You can't believe how evil our tax system is until you read Perfectly Legal by David Cay Johnston.
I've talked your ear off enough. I hope I am wrong about Herseth. I like being wrong about stuff like that.