Ah, the best democracy money can buy!
http://www.keloland.com/NewsDetail2817.cfm?Id=0,40913U.S. Senator John Thune is answering tough questions about his political and financial relationship with local car dealer Dan Nelson.
Don Jorgensen, who broke the story last night, caught up with Senator Thune on Friday.
Senator Thune categorically denies that he did anything improper when he sat on the board of directors for First Federal Savings Bank, now known as Metabank; the bank that loaned Dan Nelson and his automotive companies millions of dollars.
More on the scandal
http://www.argusleader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050709/NEWS/507090339/1001Creditors shut down Dan Nelson's dealerships
Published: 07/9/05
Sen. John Thune answered questions Friday about his relationship with Dan Nelson, a Sioux Falls car dealer who owes more than $29 million to creditors.
(Argus Leader File Photo)
Sen. John Thune said Friday that he had no influence in a bank loaning money to his friend, Dan Nelson of Sioux Falls, whose auto dealership business is now in bankruptcy court.
Thune, a South Dakota Republican, was a board member for MetaBank, the major creditor in Nelson's bankruptcy case. His service to the bank was for 22 months in 2003 and 2004, when he was between terms in Congress.
Thune said Internet traffic has fueled the controversy as a carryover from last year's election, when he defeated Democratic incumbent Tom Daschle.
Dan Nelson's financial empire crumbled Friday - a day that a Sioux Falls bank closed his four car dealerships, and his friend, U.S. Sen. John Thune, defended his work for the lender that gave Nelson his money.