Hi there. This isn't my state and I don't think I'm permitted to start new threads yet. However, I'm very good friends with the Oglala Sioux Tribe at Pine Ridge.
The following story has been picked up by www.indianz.com :"S.D. ID law passed to 'turn Native voters down'"
http://www.argusleader.com/news/Fridayarticle3.shtmlhttp://www.lakotajournal.com/front.htmhttp:// many of you know, the 2002 race between Tim Johnson and John Thune was narrowly decided when the returns from Shannon County, located entirely within the Pine Ridge Reservation, swung the election in favor of our man Johnson. (Republicans immediately screamed, "fraud," until we threatened to reveal to the press that there were three Republican "observers" for every one Democrat at every polling place within Pine Ridge. The Democrats were, of course, pounding the ground on the Rez, actively encouraging Lakota to vote, while the Republican goons hovered around the polling places, trying to look intimidating.) At least one Member of Congress conceded that it was the Indian vote which delivered Stephanie Herseth on June 1.
In a typically iniquitous move by the Republicans, the SD legislature has passed a measure which requires photo identification at the polls. This legislation is aimed squarely at American Indians and particularly at Pine Ridge, which was (according to the Lakota) deliberately undercounted in the 2000 census and may now be home to as many as 35,000 eligible voters, most of whom do not drive or have picture IDs. Citizens can still vote if they bring in a signed affidavit, but in the June 1 special election many Indians claimed they were denied the right to vote even with an affidavit.
I'd like to see someone post this subject in General Discussion or another appropriate forum in hopes that maybe we as a whole can hash out a plan to prevent the disenfranchisement of a critical Democratic-leaning segment of SD's population--at least 8% of the state population, in fact. The Indian vote may once again prove to be the deciding factor in the reelection of Tom Daschle, and may even help deliver three electoral votes to John Kerry.
Also, since I can't search, would someone be so good as to mail the new thread to me at SPAMdeathpoodle@hotmail.comSPAM (omit the "SPAM")?
Thank you very much for your assistance. Indian Country needs your help now more than ever, and in doing so you will help all of us as well.