I love receiving the automated GOTV messages with McWherter's voice - I always liked his voice.
Perhaps we need for you to come back? I've been VERY busy locally. We had a primary on May 2nd, and there was a lot going on prior. I'm trying to catch my breath for a little before going into the Aug. primary with a LOT of local office candidates then, too. We made some gains locally on 5/02, and I hope that it continues into Aug. and Nov.
I haven't posted this as a thread yet because I'm still trying to get over being so *^#@^*@ angry about it, but Jim Hall, the former NTSB director, qualified to run for the state Sen. seat being vacated by David Fowler. Nothing had changed in his life circumstances between his qualifying and his deciding to drop out of the race, (insert local scuttle here). Anyway, he left the race too late for another Dem to qualify and the seat will go to Bo Watson (R) :puke: I'm sure that I'll get over this some day, but it hasn't been within the past couple of weeks, nor will it be within the next 2 weeks.
Some of us are really trying to help to turn it blue at ALL levels as much as possible!:hi: