I can only find the numbers with 78 percent of all state precincts reporting, but, thus far, the numbers I'm about to quote look phenominal for Ford Jr. going into the November election.
Total votes in the (roughly uncontested) Democratic primary (78 percent reporting):
Harold Ford 255887 Gary G. Davis 31746 John Jay Hooker 20526 Charles E. Smith 11681 Al Strauss 3232
Total: 323,072
Total votes in the (hotly contested) Republican primary (78 percent reporting): Bob Corker 186466 Ed Bryant 134713 Van Hilleary 61533 Tate Harrison 4016
Total: 386,728
When one considers that the Republican US Senate race was HOTLY contested - thus drawing out more voters, while Ford's own Democratic race pitted him against four unknowns, the fact that the turnout for the Democrats was only 63,656 votes less than for the Republicans, in total, is awesome.
I actually heard some complete numbers on a radio talk show interviewing Ford this morning, but I was driving and couldn't write them down. However, the gist was that Ford + the four Dems drew only 50,000 less than the four Republicans.
I keep hearing from my co-workers in Republican East Tennessee that "Corker's got it." That is until I remind them that the west is liberal. The middle swings for change and Harold is neck-and-neck with Corker in all the reputable polls.