What does it mean when your inarticulate pResident only comes to see you when he wants money?
The perpetually campaigning pResident is coming to Nashville to collect money for Bob Corker, the GOP wannabe replacement for Senator Bill Frist. Corker hopes to prove that he is more conservative than the Democratic candidate, Rep. Harold Ford, Jr.
That may be hard.
Conservatives are so unhappy with Corker that many expect the "far-right Republicans to stay home on Election Day."
"The $2,100-per-person event will be held at the Loews Vanderbilt Plaza Hotel on Aug. 30, according to an e-mail invitation sent out by the Corker campaign."
Tax-payers in this dirt poor state will foot the bill for George W. Bushie's all-expense-paid trip to pick up some more cash.
Of course, famed Bush puppet, Bill Frist will be on hand for the money feast, as well as Sen. Lamar Alexander and former Sens. Howard Baker, Fred Thompson and Bill Brock.
No word yet on whether Bob Corker will be seen in public with the unpopular pResident. Increasingly, King George collects his money in private and then quickly moves on to the next town for yet another gathering of fatcats where he collects more gobs of cash as payback for his fatcat tax breaks.
Tennessee protesters get ready to move into the designated free speech zone! I suggest the protest theme song: Money.
We have photos
of the last time our dear leader came to Nashville for money.