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LTTE: Corker's campaign damaged Tennessee

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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-11-06 11:21 PM
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LTTE: Corker's campaign damaged Tennessee
Edited on Sat Nov-11-06 11:22 PM by politicasista
Corker's campaign damaged Tennessee

To the Editor:

Mr. Corker, congratulations: You won the Senate seat, but in the worst possible way. The race you ran was an embarrassment to Tennessee and to the very people you are supposed to represent.

Who can predict the damage done to our state's reputation as your campaign's ads were discussed day after day on national television?

From bimbos on TV and jungle drums in radio ads, to the insulting mailer I received the week before the election informing me that "Bob Corker and Harold Ford are separated by more than their school colors," there seemed to be no depth you were not willing to plumb.

This race cost you plenty, Mr. Corker, and I'm not just talking about the millions of dollars you personally added to your campaign's coffers — I'm talking about respect.

The people of Tennessee are so much better than the campaign you ran, and deserved so much more. Harold Ford can walk away from this race with his head held high; he endured the mudslinging with grace and dignity.

But you, Mr. Corker, must find a way to convince Tennesseans who were offended and embarrassed by your campaign that you are willing to be our senator, as well — even of those whose "school" colors are different from your own.

Cynthia Brooks
Nashville 37215
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pf99 Donating Member (251 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-12-06 07:41 AM
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1. I agree 100%
Great LTE Cynthia
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SouthernBelle82 Donating Member (879 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-12-06 12:17 PM
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2. Good ltte
I like it and you said it very well. :)
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Claire Beth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-12-06 12:23 PM
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3. well said....
and I completely agree. Corker is and should be an embarrassment to our state. He ran a nasty campaign and SHAME ON YOU people who voted for him! Ford would have been a much better senator for our state.

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tnlefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-12-06 07:14 PM
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4. I agree, but have you seen the 'sympathy for Corker' campaign beginning
yet? There was a snippet in today's paper about his being the 'lone freshman senator', and I did see a headline in the late edition/tomorrow's paper with a solemn looking profile shot of him with the same theme! :puke:

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