(Cross-posted in http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=221x55355">GLBT)Tennessee: candidate targeted because of endorsement by gay paperPam's HouseBlend
Tue Jul 31, 2007 at 22:00:00 PM EDT
by: pam
Talk about lame. Look at how these homophobes play the game. (
http://pageoneq.com/news/2007/Candidate_targeted_over_support_from_gay__0730.html">PageOneQ): Johnny Ellis, running for the Metro Council District 11 seat in Nashville, Tennessee, is being targeted by an anti-gay source because of an endorsement from the local GLBT newspaper.
Ellis, who completed a questionnaire for the statewide civil rights group Tennessee Equality Project, was not aware that his positions had earned him Out & About Newspaper's endorsement.
But, he says that someone stole 150 copies of a local paper and stuffed them with fliers touting the endorsement, as well as saying, "see what these radical gay groups want to teach Old Hickory children."To his credit, Ellis didn't back away from the endorsement: "I support the right of anybody to participate in the political process, no matter what their race is, their religious affiliation, or their sexual orientation."
http://www.pamshouseblend.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=2488 *** - Stole gay newspapers?!?!? Stole them?!?! NOW I KNOW THAT THIS JUST COULDN'T BE THE WORK OF FUNDIE RIGHTWING CHRISTIANISTA'S. I know this because "stealing" is against their beliefs. Its right there in the in the Old Testament, I believe they call it "The Ten Mild Suggestions."
But I know this council district too. It's one of the places where I took my two little boys where I taught them how to fish. It consists of a dying older neighborhood that once was vibrant from the jobs provided by the Dupont plant that once made dynamite and other explosives back in WWII. And when I was in HS, they made rayon and nylon for military parachutes -- goods that are now in little use and/or that are now imported at a much cheaper cost at slave wages from third-world countries. But the plant was a union plant, so of course that had to go.
Today, the plant's employees are a pittance in size of what it once was. All that's left out there is the TVA-Old Hickory Dam and the lake, along with some bait shops and a boat ramp for jet skiers to harass the fisherman and scare the fish away. Sounds like a real gay haven to me....