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Unbelievable Propaganda on WSMV

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NashVegas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-15-04 05:12 PM
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Unbelievable Propaganda on WSMV
Edited on Sun Aug-15-04 05:19 PM by Crisco
"blah blah blah... US soldiers killed by insurgents trying to stop democracy from growing."

I called up to leave a message, and asked if they could please lay on the propaganda a little bit thicker.

"SURE!" said the cheery-voiced probable intern who answered.

You can contact WSMV with questions or comments. Call the main number at (615)353-4444 during business hours 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday through Friday.
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JohnnyRingo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-15-04 05:22 PM
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1. If we were spectators instead of participants.....
...They would be "freedom fighters"
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volosong Donating Member (412 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-15-04 05:45 PM
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2. Why Don't You E-Mail the station the following?
Use this link


It is evident that the traditional roles of the reporter and news services are dead. Out of the ashes of the golden age of journalism, an anemic albatross rather than a phoenix has risen.

Empowered yet impotent, timid reporters repeatedly fail to challenge and expose the duplicities of ALL our political leaders. When Bush split his crotch on Kerry’s war record, no one seemed to notice. An objective examination of the Bush blabbers shows 2-5 times more flips than Kerry, and a long list of unkept promises and failed policies by his Titanic Administration.

Kerry-Edwards were greeted by the largest crowd in Portland history estimated between 40,000-60,000. This was ignored by most major US news services. Instead, we saw Bush with a crowd of invited guests, many looking embalmed, listening while Bush stammered, slandered, and seduced.

In the case of the political talk shows, they have more latitude as one knows that the various wingers are prejudiced. But few are fooled when news services claim impartiality. Most are about as balanced and impartial as George aWol Bush is a combat war hero. L.O.L.

I submit that there is another candidate in this race, the media, who are in fact running as a “parasitic appendage” kissing up to Bush in the manner of John McCain. The result is the loss of journalistic integrity, a violation of the public trust, and suffocation of democracy.

I am a veteran and a gun owner. I am not formally affiliated with any candidate. What is notable is not my Doctorate in Political Science, or my Medical Degree, but the fact that I am old enough to remember when reporters and news services used to be a class act: They were aggressive, incisive, and fair instead of court jesters and palace eunuchs.
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