I'm curious about something.
By conventional wisdom Tennessee should be leaning strongly Bush along with most of the rest of the south. But polls are showing the state a toss-up. Pundits have attributed this to the residual Gore effect. I'm not buying it, especially since Gore's not in the race this time.
I have my own guess as to one big reason why this state is in play, and it's not being mentioned much: TVA. I've gotten reports coming out of Tennessee from old friends and former co-workers that the Repukes have cut TVA funding so much the past few years that the TVA facilities in some towns are being shut down.
Question for DUers in Tenn. How much of a factor is TVA in this election? I know it is, or was, a big employer in some parts of the state, but not in others. Is this an issue Kerry could take up and win Tennessee with?