Edited on Thu Oct-25-07 12:04 PM by Flirtus
Early voting begins Friday in the District 10 state Senate race pitting Democrat Andy Berke versus Oscar Brock (R-ich, Lookout Mtn).
In Hamilton Cunty, early voting is at Northgate Mall, the Brainerd Recreation Center and the Election Commission office at 700 River Terminal just off Amnicola Highway.
Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the election office and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the other two sites.
Early voting continues to Nov. 10.
Election day is Nov. 15.
The district covers portions of Hamilton County and all of Marion County.
(on edit - I lifted this from Chattanoogan.com and inserted personal comments! I don't know where Marion Countians are supposed to vote, does anyone know?)
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This morning's paper has Oscar calling Roe-Wade a dumb law and a state minimum wage as a way to kill off jobs. GO ANDY!!