The local (Congressional District) delegates start out the selection process by being elected in their local county Democratic Candidate Caucus (for those of use who are in multi-county congressional districts). Then those people elected at the local caucus go to the Congressional District election and some get elected as the actual Delegates to the convention.
In addition, there are some Super-Delegates assigned to the state.
Last time (2004) we got 3 of 6 delegate seats by forming a coalition of the smaller counties against the major population center. That county was used to getting all the seats so they weren't paying attention to their other competition for the seats. It was a blast! Of course, we'll probably not be able to do that again. They'll be wiser this time. Nonetheless, it was really an energizing time.
The Tennessee Democratic Delegate selection process will begin soon. Contact your local party to find out the date, location, time, and other arrangements in your county's caucus. Or go to www.tndp.org to get the information for your county.
Participate in it! It's a lot of fun and you get to meet a lot of really neat people.
Good luck!