The Monday (November 24, 2008) edition of the">Johnson City Press opinion page 10A is seeking letters to the editor answering the question:
Should state ethics law require disclosure of collection values?More specifically the JC Press opininon piece outlines the matter of Tennessee State Representative Jason Mumpower and his filed Tennessee statement (conflict) of interests form wherein Mumpower failed to list his 17,000+ comic book collection as an investment with the public. (
Mumpower, however, has been very chatty about his comic collection with publications representing political action committees in Tennessee...
This press article is also asking for letters to the editor (300 words or less) be sent to the following address:
P.O. Box 1717
Johnson City, TN 37601-1717
or email at:
with your name, telephone number, and address for verification.
(The JC Press opinion also cites an online poll about the Mumpower comic book investment matter, but as of this time is not yet online.)