I suppose that Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly are now wanting to bring both their
handguns AND children (designated shooters, maybe?) into smoked-filled bars and lounges across Tennessee wherein alcoholic beverages are sold:
*HB0017 by *Swafford. (R-25)

By Swafford
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 18, relative to the Non-Smoker Protection Act.
Filed for intro. 12/19/2008
Tobacco, Tobacco Products - As introduced, removes exception for age-restricted venues from Non-Smoker Protection Act; revises posting requirements to require "no smoking" signs at only the main entrance. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 18.
(Adobe Acrobat .pdf)
I suppose that Rep. Swafford has never been to a building open to the public in Tennessee that has (plural)
main entrances..., you know like a mall, a hospital, a public library, a state university campus building, etc.