Rep. Jon Lindburg's pro-business alochol bill (if enacted) is sure to lower the cost of purcahsing liquor by Tennessee high school students all across the Volunteer State...heck, all those proposed Lundberg wholesalers will need to expand their markets and increast the numbers of their retail customers!
*HB 0108 by *Lundberg

Rep. Jon Jundberg, R-Bristol
Alcoholic Beverages - As introduced, permits a wholesale license to be granted in a municipality that has approved the sale of alcoholic beverages instead of being limited to a municipality having a population of more than 100,000. - Amends TCA Section 57-3-203.
HB 0108 Adobe Acrobat .pdf
I just wish that Rep. Lundberg would be truthful for the news media and actually tell his constituients for who and for what reason he is sponsoring this bill...must be for some wealthy Bristol businessmen wanting to set up an alcohol whoesale business in the Northeast.
Rep. Lundberg should amend this bill by adding language preventing relatives and in-laws of TNGA members from applying for these proposed issuance of these new Lundberg TNABC alcohol wholesale licenses!