Human rights group opposes English-only legislation http://www.timesnews.net/handheld_article.php?id=9013014
By Hank Hayes Published April 8th, 2009 | 3 Comments
English-only legislation state Rep. Matthew Hill claims is needed to protect small businesses from lawsuits has run into opposition from the Tennessee Human Rights Commission (THRC).

Rep. Matthew Hill, R-Jonesborough District 7 — Part of Washington County
A bill sponsored by the Jonesborough Republican says it would not be discriminatory under state law for an employer to institute an English-only language policy in the workplace based on “business necessity.”
Hill’s bill has passed in the state Senate but faced THRC opposition this week in the House Employee Affairs Subcommittee.
“In reviewing this bill, what we’ve determined is the language itself creates a problem with respect to enforcement,” THRC Executive Director Beverly Watts told the subcommittee. “Having been in this business for more than 30 years, we’ve never seen language that tells people what is not discriminatory. Discrimination is determined after a full investigation.”
THRC, an independent state agency charged with preventing and eradicating discrimination in employment, has a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Watts stressed EEOC guidelines may allow an employer to institute an English-only rule.
Then came this question from state Rep. Mike Bell, R-Riceville: “If I’m an employer, and I have 12 employees, and I believe it’s important for my business that those employees speak English and English only, can I do that right now?”
Watts responded: “If it is a business necessity, you can. ... You can decide it, but it’s subject to review by the EEOC and possibly the Tennessee Human Rights Commission. ... It must be pertinent to your business operations.”
Bell asked again: “So we’ve got some unelected bureaucrats in Nashville deciding what a business owner’s policies are going to be then, is that correct?”
Watts said: “The ultimate decision will be by a court, but yes we do that every day and we’re not elected.”
(...more at hyperlink above)
I don't ever recall Slavation Army bell ringers to be particularly chatty in any language...Rep. Matthew Hill will probably be following up this legislation by requiring all non-U.S. citizens in Tennessee to sew a flags from their native countries onto their outer garments...Rep. Matthew Hill is apparently wanting to provide cover under Tennessee state law for racist business owners to discriminate on a whim against Tennessee workers.
Why are the members of the Tennessee House Republican Caucus and the members of the Tennessee Republican Party pushing all of these red herring bills (e.g. hand guns, abortion, etc.) when the greatest need is to be working on legislation that will actually help Tennessee families during this Bush Economic Crisis???
Call or email Governor Bredesen andask him to veto Rep. Matthew Hill's Racist Language Bill.