TRA Job Has High Pay, Few Meetings LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Published: May 17, 2009
Question: Would anyone reading this letter care to apply for a state government job that meets twice a month in Nashville, Tenn., and pays $150,000 a year? A reasonable person might say, “Are you joking?” or “Surely you jest?”
Sadly though, for those who believe that government compensation like this is wasteful, this job actually does exist. It’s called being a director at the Tennessee Regulatory Authority or TRA. This is the agency that oversees and regulates utilities in the state. Recently, our own Sen. Ron Ramsey, R-Blountville, appointed the Rev. Kenneth Hill as a director to the TRA. I have listened to rhetoric for years about how these Republicans believe in lower taxes and smaller government, but apparently, when the rubber meets the road, these Republicans are more than happy to feed at the trough with those who believe in bigger government and bloated compensation. You have heard it from them before. They are always blaming the “evil” Democrats. I have one question for Ramsey and Hill: What exactly is small about getting paid $150,000 a year for 24 scheduled meetings? Let me guess. The answer will be: The “evil” Democrats did it. (But I’ll make hay while the sun is shining; wink, wink, nod, nod.)
May I suggest that any questions about these matters be directed to Republican State Rep. Matthew Hill, who also is Hill’s son. I am sure he will know more about it than I do.
Gary William Melvin
Bluff City, Tenn.