Ramsey touts pro-business agenda in bid for governor
By Jim Wozniak
ERWIN — Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey pitched a pro-business agenda Thursday that is focused on growth, not new taxes and spending, as he described the difficult economic times facing the state.
“I understand exactly how we’re going to get out of this mess we’re in,” said Ramsey, R-Blountville. “We’re not going to tax our way out of it. We’re not going to spend our way out of it like Washington seems to think we’re going to do right now. There’s only one way to get out of this problem. It’s to grow our way out.”
The lieutenant governor, who is running for governor, said he opposes the idea of borrowing money, saying that resembles how the federal government acts, and said the worst thing the state could do during economic troubles is to raise taxes.
“Now, if the businesses are out there hurting, and the people are out there hurting, why should we as government reach in their pockets and pull out more because we don’t want to make the tough choices?” Ramsey asked. “I can assure you we’re not going to do that.”