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Liberty Rally: TN Teabaggers Unite Today at Noon at Legislative Plaza

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BlueJessamine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-29-09 10:26 AM
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Liberty Rally: TN Teabaggers Unite Today at Noon at Legislative Plaza
Source: Nashville Scene

To paraphrase one of America's great founding terrorists, Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me tea!"

In that quintessentially American spirit, today there's another teabagger conclave, "The Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally," brought to you by the Tennessee Tea Party. And what better time to push back against the communist infiltrators than the week of Independence Day. To wit(less):

...The Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally will offer Tennesseans an event where they can voice their opposition to America's mad dash towards Socialism. In addition to out of control government spending and the $3.7 trillion budget, issues such as States' rights, cap-and-trade, and Nationalized Healthcare will be hot topics.


Among the featured guest are conservative radio talk show hosts Steve Gill (duh) and Phil Valentine (double duh). Despite the barely coherent ramblings of their followers, Gill and Valentine are pretty savvy. Like all of the best conservative talkies, they not only manage to snow the impressionable throngs into accepting government policies that work against them, but they convince them to mobilize and protest against programs that are in their best interests.

Read more:

The Nashville Scene offers helpful costume suggestions for today's rally:

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kpominville Donating Member (323 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-29-09 10:33 AM
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1. If you live in TN
Show up and bring a video camera to tape the nutters.
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pattmarty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-29-09 10:54 AM
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2. Where in the fuck are all the tactical nukes when you need them???
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asjr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-29-09 12:13 PM
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3. I bet Marsha Backburn will lead the parade.
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doeriver Donating Member (677 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-01-09 06:39 AM
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4. YouTube: RACHEL MADDOW (MSNBC) - Tea-Bagging Republicans
YouTube: The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"

YouTube: RACHEL MADDOW (MSNBC) - Tea-Bagging Republicans

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