Edited on Fri Jul-24-09 12:30 AM by doeriver
Evangelical Christian Sen. Paul Stanley likely to join TNGA GOP Senate Adultery Caucus But will Ron Ramsey's Republican-controlled TNGA Senate ever get around to enacting legislation making adultery a criminal offense in Tennessee?
McKensie Morrison: victimized (and smoking hot) intern or bent-over capitol page booked for "Married, Evangelical Christian"?
Senator Paul Stanley, R-Memphis District 31 — Part of Shelby County — Map district address 7511 Neshoba Road Memphis, TN 38138
Nashville Address 301 6th Avenue North Suite 11 Legislative Plaza Nashville, TN 37243 Phone (615) 741-3036 Fax (615) 741-1005 sen.paul.stanley@capitol.tn.gov
Tennessee bloggers react to Sen. Paul Stanley’s affair with an intern http://www.nashvilleistalking.com/2009/07/tennessee-bloggers-react-to-sen-paul-stanleys-affair-with-an-intern/comment-page-1/ by Christian Grantham - 9:28 am - July 23rd, 2009
Blackmail Text Message to Stanley: 'Good Morning, Sir, How Are You This Fine Day?' http://blogs.nashvillescene.com/pitw/2009/07/blackmail_text_message_to_stan.php#more By Jeff Woods in Law and Order, Politics, Woods
Sen. Stanley Confessed to Affair, According to TBI Affidavit http://blogs.nashvillescene.com/pitw/2009/07/stanley_confesses_to_affair_in.php By Jeff Woods in Law and Order, Legislature, Politics, Woods Wednesday, Jul. 22 2009 @ 8:30PM
In this sworn affidavit, TBI agent Doug Long says Sen. Paul Stanley confessed his affair with his legislative intern, McKensie Morrison, and admitted that he took pictures of her in his apartment. Also, according to the affidavit, Morrison's boyfriend, Joel Watts, told Stanley at one point in a text message that a reporter offered $7,500 for the pictures. More news from the affidavit:
umerous phone conversations between Stanley and Morrison were conducted and monitored. There was also a conversation between Stanley and Watts. During the phone calls between Stanley and Morrison, Morrison informed Stanley she had seen some of the photos Watts talked about in his text messages. Morrison told Stanley they were photographs made in front of a mirror. Morrison also acknowledged she had talked with Watts and that he wanted $8,000.00 for the photographs.
The price just kept going up, according to the TBI. Eventually Watts demanded $10,000, and Stanley delivered the cash in a plastic bag just before Watts' arrest.
Update: Memphis TV commentator Mike Fleming says, "There's something terrible going on here. And don't give me this stuff, they're doing it all over the country. Our interests are here and I think collectively they'd screw up a two car funeral procession. I hope that their wives get up there and smack the living crap out of them." Jackson Baker adds: "I'm quite sure there's people urging him to step down entirely and I'm quite sure he's likely to. I don't see him having a political future at this point." Planned Parenthood executive calls Sen. Stanley a hypocrite http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2009/jul/23/planned-parenthood-exec-calls-sen-stanley-hypocrit/?printer=1/ By Richard Locker Thursday, July 23, 2009
Hypocrite, Anyone?' http://blogs.nashvillescene.com/pitw/2009/07/hypocrite_anyone.php By Jeff Woods in Legislature, Politics, Woods Thursday, Jul. 23 2009 @ 1:18PM
From the Commercial Appeal:
An executive of Planned Parenthood of Greater Memphis said today that when she and two colleagues traveled to Nashville in April to lobby state legislators, Sen. Paul Stanley told them he would never support Planned Parenthood and "didn't believe young people should have sex before marriage anyway."
That visit to the Germantown Republican's Nashville office was on April 7. The next morning, Stanley, 47, became the target of a $10,000 extortion attempt and told a state investigator that he had "developed a sexual relationship" with a 22-year-old legislative intern and had photographed her in his Nashville apartment.
(...more at hyperlink) Let Us Not Overlook Why Stanley Should Lose His Job http://blogs.nashvillescene.com/pitw/2009/07/let_us_not_overlook_why_stanle.php By Betsy Phillips in Legislature, Phillips Wednesday, Jul. 22 2009 @ 7:55AM
One wonders why Paul Stanley is so busy insisting that he is the victim. At least, one wonders this until one considers the words of Jackson Baker:
the saga of state Senator Paul Stanley and his 22-year-old former legislative intern, McKensie Morrison {emphasis mine]
There are two issues here.
One, the legal issue. It matters whether Stanley fucked Morrison and whether Morrison felt she had to agree to it in order to keep her internship because, if she felt compelled, Stanley's committed a Class C felony under state law (39-3-527--sexual battery by an authority figure--"The defendant was at the time of the offense in a position of trust, or had supervisory or disciplinary power over the victim by virtue of the defendant's legal, professional or occupational status and used the position of trust or power to accomplish the sexual contact.").
But two, even if Morrison didn't feel compelled, if she wanted to have sex with him, the fact that Stanley would even try to take up with a person who worked for him, who wasn't in a position to say 'no' and know it wouldn't affect her job, proves he's unfit to serve. I know it doesn't make him unusual, but it does make him unfit. You don't put the people who work for you in that position. Period.