Nashville Post: Senator Paul Stanley may have history of affairs
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Tue Jul-28-09 10:53 PM
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Nashville Post: Senator Paul Stanley may have history of affairs |
Senator may have history of affairs While political world awaits word on Stanley's resignation, sources confirm affairs and other suspect behavior
By Ken Whitehouse
07-28-2009 10:41 AM — Embattled State Sen. Paul Stanley (R-Germantown) has seen his political star implode since it was revealed that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with an intern in his office. The revelation came to light when the boyfriend of intern McKensie Morrison — Joel Watts — attempted to blackmail the senator.
Now, according to several sources, Stanley's affair with Morrison was not the first time the "family values" Republican had strayed from his public persona as a conservative lawmaker.
Sources have confirmed that Stanley has had a number of improper relationships with women connected to the state legislature.
Another Capitol Hill source states that in 2003 that they witnessed Stanley “making out” with a legislative intern at the Beer Sellar on Second Avenue downtown during a party thrown by the interns celebrating the end of that year’s legislative session.
According to the source, Stanley “had his tongue down her throat and was groping her in front of the whole bar.”
...(more at hyperlink above)
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