Edited on Tue Nov-10-09 05:56 PM by doeriver
And just why was Unstable Stacey wearing a full mask in Section B of Neyland Stadium when his own ticket was issued for Section LL...???:State rep Campfield escorted from UT game on Halloween He wore Halloween mask, which led to dispute with police http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2009/nov/10/campfield-escorted-ut-game/
By Rebecca Ferrar Posted November 10, 2009 at midnight
State Rep. Stacey Campfield was escorted from the University of Tennessee home football game Oct. 31 after an incident over a Halloween mask that he was wearing, a university official confirmed Monday.
According to a report by UT Police Lt. Dana McReynolds, the Knoxville Republican was wearing a “Luchador’s (Mexican wrestler’s) full head mask” during the game against South Carolina despite publicity before and during the game that Halloween masks were not allowed inside Neyland Stadium.
Campfield is not named in the narrative, but his identity was later learned by McReynolds through a driver’s license check. Campfield’s identity was confirmed Monday by UT spokeswoman Karen Collins.

Rep. Stacey Campfield, R-18, Knoxville
The lawmaker, who is running for the state Senate seat being vacated by Tim Burchett, could not be reached for comment. Attempts to reach him via associates and alternate phone numbers also were unsuccessful.

The incident began inside Neyland Stadium when a mother and her two daughters became “upset because a man was sitting in their section (Section B) with a mask on,” according to McReynolds’ report. “The girls were upset because they had been told they not could wear masks into the stadium and the mask was such that it was bothering them.”
McReynolds and a Knox County Sheriff’s Office deputy found the masked man and asked him to step into the portal.
“I told him masks were not allowed in the stadium and told him he would have to take it off,” McReynolds wrote. “He asked why and I again told him that masks were not allowed and he could either give the mask to me or take it off and put it away. Before I could finish my sentence he took off the mask and asked if he could keep it. I told him ‘yes’ and thanked him for complying.”
The officer noted that Campfield then re-entered the stadium area but went a different direction than his original seat.
“Curious about this odd behavior and concerned that he had misunderstood our interaction, I caught up with him in front of the concession stand in Section D,” McReynolds wrote. “I … began to tell him that I was not asking him to leave the section, just to take off his mask. Again … he interrupted and said, ‘I was just taking a walk. Is it illegal to walk around?’ I told him ‘no,’ and was surprised by his sudden confrontational attitude. … He again asked if walking around was illegal. I told him ‘no’ and again began to explain that he did not have to leave his seat, just take off the mask. He continued to ask if walking around was illegal. … Thinking that something was not right (he kept saying the same phrase over and over, would not make eye contact and kept shifting on his feet, left to right) I asked to see his ticket.”
When Campfield gave the officer his ticket, it was for Section LL, not Section B.
According to the report, the officer asked Campfield why he had not said he was going to his correct seat, and he said again, “I told you I was walking around. Is it illegal to walk around?”
“After five or six attempts at explaining this to him, I told the man I was not going to play word … games with him,” the officer wrote. “He had violated the mask policy, was in the wrong section and was being argumentative and uncooperative.”
According to the narrative, McReynolds asked for the man’s identification, wrote his Tennessee driver’s license number on his ticket and, along with another officer, escorted him from the stadium.
“While walking to the exit, he kept repeating over and over that he was just walking around and when did it become illegal to walk around,” McReynolds wrote. “The man never became violent, and neither myself nor (the other officer) touched the man.”
When the officers returned to the stadium, McReynolds contacted a UTPD dispatcher and asked to have the man’s driver’s license run.
“It was then I learned his identity,” McReynolds wrote.
In a written statement, Collins said the “report was prepared but not entered into an incident report because there were no charges filed. Lt. Dana McReynolds wrote this narrative and forwarded it on through channels after realizing that a state representative was involved.”
McReynolds’ narrative was sent to Jeff Maples, the UT senior associate vice chancellor, Collins said.
Ron Leadbetter, a former UT associate general counsel who is running against Campfield for Burchett’s seat, said he heard about the mask incident and went to UT Police Chief Debbie Perry on Monday morning to find out if it was true.
“It’s not the kind of conduct you expect from legislative leaders,” Leadbetter said. “You’d expect a little bit higher conduct. I’m sorry to say I’m not shocked.”
Rebecca Ferrar may be reached at 865-342-6357. KCSD deputy's report pertaining to the masked Rep. Stacey Campfield http://web.knoxnews.com/pdf/2009/111009campfield.pdf