Anti-abortion letter divides GOP legislators Mumpower usays group shouldn't endorse Dems http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2009/nov/08/anti-abortion-letter-divides-gop-legislators/#c1068478
By Tom Humphrey Posted November 8, 2009 at midnight
NASHVILLE - Republican legislators are split over whether to chastise the state's largest anti-abortion organization for supporting a Democrat.
House Republican Leader Jason Mumpower has drafted a letter to Tennessee Right to Life President Brian Harris declaring that endorsement of Democrats would harm prospects for passage of anti-abortion legislation.

Rep. Jason Mumpower, (R-3) Bristol
Mumpower e-mailed a copy of the letter last week to all Republican representatives and invited them to join him and House Republican Caucus Chairman Glen Casada in signing it. Several instead have objected, including House Speaker Kent Williams and Knoxville Reps. Bill Dunn and Stacey Campfield.
The letter cites the group's endorsement of Democrat Ty Cobb in a special election last month that was won by Republican Rep. Pat Marsh of Shelbyville. It says Right to Life does not consider that the fate of legislation often depends on "behind the scenes" activity.

Perhaps Rep. Mumpower is referring to his legislative support for the Tennessee Titty Bar tax break... WTVF: Rep. Jason Mumpower Defends His Tennessee Titty-Bar Tax Break http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=179x4624
"These behind the scenes actions are either being ignored or maybe simply are not understood by Tennessee Right to Life," the letter says. "By your own actions of supporting Democrat candidates you are saying you hope Democrat leaders once again are in the position of power and by your own actions you will help history repeat itself and you will help insure pro-life legislation is defeated," the letter says.
Mumpower asked in his e-mail that legislators notify him by Tuesday whether they wished to be listed as co-signers and said the letter would be mailed Wednesday. In an interview, he characterized the e-mailing as "polling members" on the letter and said that "in all probability" it would be sent with multiple signatures.
Mumpower said he drafted the "wake-up call" letter at the request of "many of our caucus members who feel Tennessee Right to Life takes for granted the support received from (Republicans) and that they are tone deaf politically."
He said the organization has had a "schizophrenic message" under Harris' leadership, illustrated by the group's refusal to endorse Republicans who warranted support in some 2008 races.
As an example, he cited the contest between Rep. Tony Shipley, R-Kingpsort, and former Rep. Nathan Vaughn, who characterized himself as "a pro-life Democrat."
In that case, Mumpower said, the Sullivan County chapter of Right to Life called for an endorsement of Shipley that was rejected. Subsequently, Mumpower said, the Nashville-based statewide organization abolished the Sullivan County chapter.
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