TN Funding Board GOPers withhold release of favorable state revenue estimates
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Fri Dec-18-09 09:55 AM
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TN Funding Board GOPers withhold release of favorable state revenue estimates |
State revenue estimates put off BY ERIK SCHELZIG • ASSOCIATED PRESS • DECEMBER 18, 2009
The State Funding Board on Thursday delayed setting revenue projections used by the governor and lawmakers to prepare Tennessee's annual spending plan.
Treasurer David Lillard said at the meeting that "staff is not ready" to proceed with the revenue estimates.
Another meeting was scheduled for today.
"We just don't have an agreement," Comptroller Justin Wilson said afterward. When asked about the nature of the differences, he said: "I'm not willing to go into that."
Lillard, Wilson and Secretary of State Tre Hargett were elected to their offices by the Republican majorities in the Legislature earlier this year.
The fourth member, Finance Commissioner Dave Goetz, is the lone Democrat on the funding board.
Five economists earlier this week forecast general fund growth of between 2 percent and 3.5 percent for the budget year that begins on July 1.
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