Edited on Sun Jun-27-10 08:42 AM by doeriver
Ramsey's TRA director appointee ask area pastors to support his son - Timothy Hill - in campaign http://www.timesnews.net/article.php?id=9024220

The father of Republican Timothy Hill has sent letters to local church pastors asking for support in Hill’s Tennessee 3rd House District political campaign.
“I am writing to ask for your prayer for Timothy as he campaigns. I am also asking for your help in his campaign,” said the letter, which has Timothy Hill’s campaign letterhead and is signed by Kenneth C. Hill.

Kenneth C. Hill is a director of the Tennessee Regulatory Authority (TRA) and operates Christian radio stations in the Bristol area. He was appointed to his TRA post by Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey of Blountville.
According to the Internal Revenue Service, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a nonprofit organization as one “which does not participate in, or intervene in ... any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”
A copy of Kenneth C. Hill’s letter was faxed to the Times-News by Sherry Grubb, one of Timothy Hill’s opponents in the Aug. 5 GOP primary.
“The attached letter was brought to me from a local church who received it. They were not pleased,” Grubb said in the fax.
In response, Timothy Hill said in an e-mail: “I am so very proud of my father, Kenneth Hill, and his example of tireless work for our community in ministry and public service. This letter was sent from him personally, asking for pastors around the region to be praying for me and my campaign. I am a firm believer that God is still on the throne and prayer changes things. There was no request for financial support or official endorsement from their pulpit included in this letter. These attacks on the character of me and my father are nothing more than business as usual petty politics. Voters are tired of seeing good, godly people torn down in the name of another candidates’ gain.”
Kenneth C. Hill’s letter to pastors begins with a greeting and an observation.
“Our society has closed in on the Bible believer and Christ follower,” he wrote. “Our region is called the ‘Bible Belt,’ but it is not living up to the name.”
Then he points out his radio stations have been used to make people aware of the truth and need for involvement in the fabric of society.
“My son, Timothy, has taken the step of placing his name on the ballot to be the 3rd District State Representative for the State of Tennessee,” the letter continues. “He has done so with the understanding that his faith in Christ and his desire to serve Him are his motivation for public service. ... I realize you are busy, but I have asked Timothy to contact you so he can answer any questions you may have about his candidacy and stand on the issues. Thank you for taking time to talk with him.”
Timothy Hill, a Blountville marketing firm owner, is competing with a number of other GOP challengers in the Aug. 5 primary for the Republican nomination. The winner will vie for the state representative seat held by retiring House Majority Leader Jason Mumpower of Bristol.
(more at hyperlink)
Actually, Timothy Hill is the "owner" of Right Way Marketing (recently relocated to Blountville by the TNGA House candidate with taxpayer assistance from Washington County and into Timothy Hill's 3rd Tennessee House District). Right Way Marketing seemingly specializes in making robo calls for Republican candidates for elected office in Tennessee and Virginia.
Tennessee Secretary of Statement records reveal that Right Way Marketing LLC corporate headquarters are located within the palatial $389,000 Blountville "Taj Ma Hill" residence of Tennessee Regulatory Authority Director and radio evangelist Rev. Dr. Kenneth C. Hill (the Tennessee 3rd House District candidate Timothy Hill also lives with his parents at their Blountville residence).
Timothy Hill was divorced in Kingsport by his first wife during early 2009.
The Rev. Dr. Daddy Kenneth C. Hill is listed within his Tennessee Regulatory Authority Director "Statement of Interests" disclosure with the Tennessee Ethics Commission as being an investor in Right Way Marketing (another son, Rep. Matthew Hill is similar listed as Right Way Marketing Director within his Tennessee Representative "Statement of Interests" with the Tennessee Ethics Commission.