Rep. Casada says son punished for streaking incident http://www.tennessean.com/article/20100818/WILLIAMSON01/100818066/Rep-Casada-says-son-punished-for-streaking-incident BY HARRIET VAUGHAN • THE TENNESSEAN • AUGUST 18, 2010
TNGA Rep. and Tennessee House Republican Caucus Chair Glen Casada
"FRANKLIN— State Rep. Glen Casada said he was "very displeased" that his 19-year-old son participated in last weekend's "Naked Mile" through a Franklin neighborhood.
Clark Casada and 11 other males were arrested on indecent exposure and contributing to the delinquency of a minor charges Sunday night for running naked through Sullivan Farms subdivision, police say. One of them was a minor, who was charged with public exposure. All of the charges are misdemeanors.
After receiving a call from a neighbor, police caught the group around 11:40 p.m. running naked along Donelson Creek toward Mack Hatcher during what the group refer to as the Naked Mile.
“We are displeased with that immature action," Glen Casada said. "His mother and I are very displeased. We dressed him down very sternly. He’s 19 years old and he’s my son, but he is a mature adult. He is being punished."
The men told the police that the Naked Mile is an annual event for them. This is their second run, according to the group."
(...more at hyperlink)
T.C.A. 39-13-511. Indecent exposure Statutory Definitions of Tennessee Sexual and Violent Sexual Offenses with Related Codes Note: The definitions of the crimes listed below are the most recent definitions according to Tennessee statute. It is important to note that statutory definitions may occasionally vary from year to year. To obtain definitions of sexual offenses committed in another state, please refer to that state’s Sex Offender Registry. http://www.ticic.state.tn.us/SEX_ofndr/Webpage%20SOR%20Definitions.pdf
39-13-511. Indecent exposure
(b) (1) A person commits the offense of indecent exposure who: (A) In a public place, as defined in § 39-11-106, or on the private premises of another, or so near thereto as to be seen from the private premises: (i) Intentionally: (a) Exposes the person’s genitals or buttocks to another; or (b) Engages in sexual contact or sexual penetration as defined in § 39-13-501; and (ii) Reasonably expects that the acts will be viewed by another and the acts: (a) Will offend an ordinary viewer; or (b) Are for the purpose of sexual arousal and gratification of the defendant; or… ***
Where I Stand on Family Issues I am Pro-Life and Pro-Family. http://www.glencasada.com/wis_family.php
“It is heart breaking to see the results of our weakening family unit and the dire consequences this has on our society. The breakdown of our families leads to increased crime, increased drug usage, increased unmarried childbirth and low high school graduation rates. This in turn leads to a cyclical repeat in the next generation which causes poverty and a dependency upon government.
As a state legislator, I believe the answer to our social ills is not a new government program, but the strengthening of our families. Only the family can raise, train and educate the next generation to be productive and law abiding citizens. Strengthening the family is achieved through economic self-sufficiency. This in turn, is accomplished by lowering taxes and creating a climate where industry and jobs naturally flourish in an environment of low regulations where any one can start a business, and with hard work they can succeed.” — TNGA Rep. Glen Casada