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Rep. Jason Mumpower to become 2nd highest paid employee at Tennessee Comptroller of Treasury

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doeriver Donating Member (677 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-10 10:16 PM
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Rep. Jason Mumpower to become 2nd highest paid employee at Tennessee Comptroller of Treasury
Edited on Sun Dec-05-10 10:20 PM by doeriver

$124,800 Starting Base Pay: Rep. Jason Mumpower to become 2nd highest paid employee at Tennessee Comptroller of Treasury


Tennesssee State Employee Salary Search
Agency Name Last Name First Name Job Title Compensation Rate Compensation Rate Period Full/Part

Faye J. Weaver ($100,980)
Staff Assistant to the Comptroller
Comptroller of the Treasury Weaver Faye STAFF ASSISTANT $8,415.00 Monthly F

Robert T. Lee ($98,232)
General Counsel
Comptroller of the Treasury Lee Robert GENERAL COUNSEL 2 $8,186.00 Monthly F

Ann V. Butterworth ($119,892)
Assistant to the Comptroller
Comptroller of the Treasury Butterworth Ann PUB FINANCE-COMPTROLLER ASST $9,991.00 Monthly F

Bettye L. Stanton ($40,500)
Executive Secretary
Comptroller of the Treasury Stanton Bettye EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 3-NE $3,375.00 Monthly F

Jackie Gupton ($46,788)
Comptroller of the Treasury Gupton Jackie COMPT-PROJECT ASSISTANT $3,899.00 Monthly F

Melinda K. Parton ($114,720)
Director, Management Services
Comptroller of the Treasury Parton Melinda COMPT-MGMT SERVICES DIR $9,560.00 Monthly F

Arthur A. Hayes ($114,720)
Director, State Audit
Comptroller of the Treasury Hayes Arthur STATE AUDIT DIRECTOR $9,560.00 Monthly F

Richard V. Norment ($119,868)
Assistant to the Comptroller
Comptroller of the Treasury Norment Richard COUNTY AUDIT-COMPTROLLER ASST $9,989.00 Monthly F

Jim Arnette ($112,464)
Director, County Audit
Comptroller of the Treasury Arnette James COUNTY AUDIT DIRECTOR $9,327.00 Monthly F

Dennis F. Dycus ($112,464)
Director, Municipal Audit
Comptroller of the Treasury Dycus Dennie COUNTY AUDIT DIRECTOR $9,327.00 Monthly F

Mary Margaret Collier ($118,164)
Director, Bond Finance
Comptroller of the Treasury Collier Mary-Margaret BOND FINANCE DIRECTOR $9,847.00 Monthly F

Tom Fleming ($118,080)
Assistant to the Comptroller, Director, Local Government
Comptroller of the Treasury Fleming Tom ASSESSMENTS-COMPTROLLER ASST $9,840.00 Monthly F

Barry M. Murphy ($111,888)
Director, State Assessed Properties
Comptroller of the Treasury Murphy Barry OFFICE OF SAP DIRECTOR $9,324.00 Monthly F

Phillip E. Doss ($97,644)
Director, Office of Research and Education Accountability
Comptroller of the Treasury Doss Phillip RES & EDUC ACCOUNTABILITY DIR $8,137.00 Monthly F

Kelsie Jones ($114,720)
Executive Secretary, State Board of Equalization
Comptroller of the Treasury Jones Kelsie SBE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY $9,560.00 Monthly F

Elisha D. Hodge ($63,900)
Open Records Counsel
Comptroller of the Treasury Hodge Elisha COMPT-OPEN RECORDS COUNSEL $5,325.00 Monthly F
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doeriver Donating Member (677 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-10 09:48 AM
Response to Original message
1. Tennesssee State Employee Salary Search
Check the Tennesssee State Employee Salary Search for a complete listing (if interested) for the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury employees...
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SharonAnn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-10 11:07 PM
Response to Original message
2. He looks like a doofus, but he acts like a Republican doofus.
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