Edited on Sun Dec-05-10 10:20 PM by doeriver

$124,800 Starting Base Pay: Rep. Jason Mumpower to become 2nd highest paid employee at Tennessee Comptroller of Treasury
Tennessee Blue Book – COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY http://www.state.tn.us/sos/bluebook/09-10/05%20Comptroller.pdf
Tennesssee State Employee Salary Search http://tennesseeanytime.org/salary/ Agency Name Last Name First Name Job Title Compensation Rate Compensation Rate Period Full/Part
Faye J. Weaver ($100,980) Staff Assistant to the Comptroller Comptroller of the Treasury Weaver Faye STAFF ASSISTANT $8,415.00 Monthly F
Robert T. Lee ($98,232) General Counsel Comptroller of the Treasury Lee Robert GENERAL COUNSEL 2 $8,186.00 Monthly F
Ann V. Butterworth ($119,892) Assistant to the Comptroller Comptroller of the Treasury Butterworth Ann PUB FINANCE-COMPTROLLER ASST $9,991.00 Monthly F
Bettye L. Stanton ($40,500) Executive Secretary Comptroller of the Treasury Stanton Bettye EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 3-NE $3,375.00 Monthly F
Jackie Gupton ($46,788) Secretary Comptroller of the Treasury Gupton Jackie COMPT-PROJECT ASSISTANT $3,899.00 Monthly F
Melinda K. Parton ($114,720) Director, Management Services Comptroller of the Treasury Parton Melinda COMPT-MGMT SERVICES DIR $9,560.00 Monthly F
Arthur A. Hayes ($114,720) Director, State Audit Comptroller of the Treasury Hayes Arthur STATE AUDIT DIRECTOR $9,560.00 Monthly F
Richard V. Norment ($119,868) Assistant to the Comptroller Comptroller of the Treasury Norment Richard COUNTY AUDIT-COMPTROLLER ASST $9,989.00 Monthly F
Jim Arnette ($112,464) Director, County Audit Comptroller of the Treasury Arnette James COUNTY AUDIT DIRECTOR $9,327.00 Monthly F
Dennis F. Dycus ($112,464) Director, Municipal Audit Comptroller of the Treasury Dycus Dennie COUNTY AUDIT DIRECTOR $9,327.00 Monthly F
Mary Margaret Collier ($118,164) Director, Bond Finance Comptroller of the Treasury Collier Mary-Margaret BOND FINANCE DIRECTOR $9,847.00 Monthly F
Tom Fleming ($118,080) Assistant to the Comptroller, Director, Local Government Comptroller of the Treasury Fleming Tom ASSESSMENTS-COMPTROLLER ASST $9,840.00 Monthly F
Barry M. Murphy ($111,888) Director, State Assessed Properties Comptroller of the Treasury Murphy Barry OFFICE OF SAP DIRECTOR $9,324.00 Monthly F
Phillip E. Doss ($97,644) Director, Office of Research and Education Accountability Comptroller of the Treasury Doss Phillip RES & EDUC ACCOUNTABILITY DIR $8,137.00 Monthly F
Kelsie Jones ($114,720) Executive Secretary, State Board of Equalization Comptroller of the Treasury Jones Kelsie SBE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY $9,560.00 Monthly F
Elisha D. Hodge ($63,900) Open Records Counsel Comptroller of the Treasury Hodge Elisha COMPT-OPEN RECORDS COUNSEL $5,325.00 Monthly F