.pdf file of THP Multiple Offense Citation for TNGA Rep. Julia HurleyI would put a direct hyperlink here to the .pdf file, but the original file creator saved the file name as "Hurley's.pdf" with the '...
Narrative: (unreadable word) Speeding
Reckless Driving
Failure to pay suspension (sic)Roane Views - Julia Hurley Traffic VideoSubmitted by BTMatthews42 on March 18, 2011 - 5:21pm
http://roaneviews.com/?q=node/6120Link... Here is the video that is airing on the local Nashville stations and on the newscast they conducted a survey of people based on how she reacted to being stopped.. Link... carried the story in middle tennessee.. The reason I am posting this is because of the controversy that it stirred here and the opinions that were given, this way we can all see what was said and what happened...
(Update 2: Added the paperwork in question. Note the circled "A"...WC)
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