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TN New Laws ....Short LIst ...Some go into effect today 7/1

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Tippy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-01-11 11:49 AM
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TN New Laws ....Short LIst ...Some go into effect today 7/1
Edited on Fri Jul-01-11 11:49 AM by Tippy
TN Has 508 New Laws Taking Effect Friday, July 1 (with link to the list)
According to a list prepared by legislative staff, there are 508 new state laws that take effect on Friday, July 1. (Link to the list is available at the bottom of this post.) Today there are several media reports on this, focusing on one topic or the other.

A sampler:

From the Commercial Appeal: On Friday in Tennessee: The old "Move Over" law for motorists is expanded and a new "Move On When Ready" law for students goes into effect. Laws against cyberbullying are enhanced. And motorists must be more careful around bicyclists and pedestrians.

People who get entertainment-subscription services fraudulently can be charged with theft, so don't share the passwords to your streaming-video movie subscriptions. "Sky lantern" fireworks are outlawed. And it will be legal for mothers to breastfeed their children over 12 months old in public places. (They've had that right since 2006 for babies under a year old.)

Scores of new state laws go into effect on July 1, Tennessee's traditional date for most of its new laws. Some new laws take effect on other dates, however, such as the sweeping changes in the state's liability laws, which go into effect Oct. 1. And a new law requiring photo IDs to vote is effective Jan. 1.

The full list of 508 new laws (or public chapters as they are known until incorporated into the Tennessee Code book) is available by clicking this link: effective_07_01_11<1>.rtf

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Tippy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-01-11 12:18 PM
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1. OH gets better.....or worse depending
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