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Dallas: Texas Democratic Veterans Event: Feb. 26

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crispini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-15-05 01:20 PM
Original message
Dallas: Texas Democratic Veterans Event: Feb. 26
Got this email. Scroll down for the event specifics.




February 10, 2005

A recent series of articles in the Dallas Morning News piqued the
interest of the Executive Committee of the TEXAS DEMOCRATIC VETERANS
(TDV) and caused us to have grave concerns about the environment in
which the Veterans Administration (VA) provides medical services for
Veterans in the northern Texas/southern Oklahoma area. To explain
the nexus of our concern, it is necessary to first explain that TDV
was organized June 14, 2002, to address Veterans issues through the
political process. Due to our expanding statewide membership and our
activities on the behalf of Texas Veterans, TDV qualified for
membership on the Advisory Committee for the State Democratic
Executive Committee (SDEC). TDV has recently been invited to accept
full membership on the SDEC. The voices of Texas Veterans are being

We now need to identify these "Veterans" whose interests we are
determined to promote. Every family in Texas has, or knows Veterans.
They are you, and me, and everyone who ever wore the uniform of any
branch of the military of the United States, These Veterans are your
parents, uncles, cousins, sons and daughters. Many of us served in
times of war and peace to protect the freedoms we all enjoy.
Currently we have more than 140,000 men and women taking our places
in the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world. When our
military personnel come home and are discharged from active duty,
they become a part of the community of Veterans. These are not a
bunch of guys looking for a handout; they are the individuals who,
like us, gave and are giving parts of their lives to protect our way
of life from the tyrants and terrorists who would destroy it all!

Recently we learned that the VA is very proud of what they call
a "seamless" transition from military medical facilities to VA
provided health care, including hospitalization for many of the
people coming home from the wars with injuries, medical and
emotional problems. But, as a result of the Dallas Morning News
articles and our subsequent investigation, we have to ask, "are they
being admitted – or are they being condemned – to health care from
the VA?" With nearly 11,000 wounded coming home from Iraq and
countless others requiring counseling to deal with Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder, there is an increasing need for VA medical
services. Back in April (over the objections of a significant number
of Congressmen), Congress passed a cut of 10 Billion Dollars over
the next five years from the VA health care system. And now in his
budget presented this week, Pres. Bush has proposed that some Vets
pay an annual fee for Rx meds of $250 and co-payments of $7.00
increased to $15 for a one month supply- causes us to wonder, "Whose
side are they on?"

After the articles appeared, we obtained access through the internet
to the internal audit performed by the Office of the Inspector
General (OIG) of the Veterans Administration. The OIG audit
concluded that the Dallas VA Hospital ranked as the worst of any
facility in the country. In 82 pages the VA's own OIG describes a
litany of extremely serious conditions. Time and again the report
identifies unsanitary, unsafe and filthy conditions. And a survey of
Doctors completing residencies at the North Texas Facility describes
Nursing Services, as lazy, uncaring, unprofessional and in no way
conducive to the provision of adequate medical care – often leaving
patients to suffer and die unattended. Is this what we fought, bled
and saw many of our comrades die for? We, representing TDV, simply
don't think so!

Which is why we are organizing a show of support for our Veterans
and for active duty military personnel who are putting their lives
on the line every day – for us and for their families who are
suffering immeasurable anxiety. We are inviting TDV members and all
like-minded folks, regardless of political affiliation, to join us
in expressing our concerns at the Dallas VA Hospital. The action
will take place on Saturday, February 26, 2005, beginning around
10:00 A.M. Come as early as you like and stay as long as you can –
we expect our numbers to grow throughout the morning and early
afternoon. Join with TDV and all others who want their voices heard
and who want to see VA Health Care become what it should be.

If you have any questions or comments concerning this activity or
any other matters please call Tommy Smelser, State Chair, at 972-647-
2828. Let's really make a strong show of support for our Veterans
and all active U.S. military!
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crispini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 11:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. Here's a report from one of the attendees.
This came to me via email. I am completely horrified and have an email in to the author to see what time the demonstration is and if they would like additional support.

On Wednesday, February 23, 2005 the Texas Democratic Veterans were invited to visit the VA North Texas Health Care System at 4500 South Lancaster Road. President Tommy Smelser President of Texas Democratic Veterans and Dennis Ferguson Vice President of Communication meet with Acting Director Brown and Acting Assistant Director Jacobsen to coordinate the February 26, 2005 Protest at The Veterans Administration Hospital at 4500 South Lancaster Road Dallas, Texas. The Administration of the VA North Texas Health Care System pledged to work with Texas Democratic Veterans to ensure a peaceful and successful Demonstration in support of our fellow veterans.

The VA North Texas Health Care System has agreed to provide a designated spot in the parking lot for the demonstration as well as
bathrooms, water, and security.

Acting Assistant Director Jacobsen gave a limited tour of the facilities after going over a brief overview of the North Texas Health Care System. The tour consisted of the main lobby and the largest VA Mall (VA PX) in the nation, which sells items tax free to veterans and the staff of the VA North Texas Health Care System. The tour and discussion did not address the fundamental issues resulting in call for the February 26,2005 Protest at The Veterans Administration Hospital.

The Texas Democratic Veterans' call for a nonpartisan Demonstration February 26,2005 Protest at The Veterans Administration Hospital was instigated by a GIO Report which sited among other things:

The patient advocate collected and trended patient complaints monthly BUT NO ONE ANALYZED THE DATA OR REPORTED IT to a committee for recommendation or action.

Of greatest concern to Texas Democratic Veterans' concern were the findings that most patient rooms and bathrooms … were unclean … floors and walls had buildup of grime and rooms had foul odors… Intravenous (IV) Pumps, poles, and patient stretchers were dirty. Investigators observed bags of used medical disposables on the floor of an operating room during an operation.

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