forums. Somebody there found this book on Amazon.com written by the Gillespies. Sounds wretched. Notice how many of the glowing reviews come from the Austin area. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0970559402/qid=1108754320/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-1299549-7758316?v=glance&s=books&n=507846When Mama Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy : 52 Rules Women Want Men to Know by Kris Gillespie, Brian Gillespie Product Description: (AUSTIN, TX) Authors Kris & Brian Gillespie share 52 humorous “Rules” that will empower, inspire and strengthen relationships between men and women. Personal relationsips have three key ingredients: Love, Laughter & Romance. Of the three, how effectively you communicate your love will set the tone for fun and romance as well. Their book When Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy, 52 Rules women want men to know (Destination Publications, January 2000, ISBN:0970559402, paperback $8.99) provides fun and common sense tips to strengthen communication skills, and keep those home flames hot. If you’ve ever said “We don’t have fun anymore or we don’t talk like we used to” then this is the book for you. For example: Rule #6, “Going shopping with your wife is like being seventeen in an election year. You can have all the opinions you want, but you just can’t vote.”
Rule #21, “Ask directions, even if you may be able to find your own way.”
Rule #41, “ Remember that all you have, you share, unless it’s hers.”
Rule #52, “ Marriage is not 50/50, it’s 100/100.
Rule #8, “When looking at other women, the three second rule applies.”
Written mostly through Brian’s own suggestions, based on 15 years of experience, When Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy, will make you laugh until you cry…. And then you will laugh some more. It will energize, bring humor, and fire up the passion in a relationship.