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Are the Toll Party people up to something or are they just nuts?

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NoPasaran Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 02:18 PM
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Are the Toll Party people up to something or are they just nuts?
The group has given up trying to recall Mayor Will Wynn. But it has set its sights on a new goal: ousting Wynn and 13 other current or former Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization board members, as well as Gov. Rick Perry, in upcoming elections.

Those officials, besides Perry, are targeted because they either voted for a toll plan or opposed having an independent panel study it further.

Soon, Austin Toll Party will start gathering fresh signatures from people who oppose re-electing those CAMPO members, the group's leader, Sal Costello, said Monday.

Austin Toll Party's new signatures will be largely symbolic; the group plans to give them to CAMPO and Perry, not to an election official who could get a recall referendum on a ballot. But Costello said the group will use the voter lists and 500 volunteers to send out mailers and raise money for anti-toll candidates. It will even run its own candidates if necessary.

I have trouble deciding whether these folks have some sort of coherent political agenda they're promoting or if they really belong in front of a blue curtain at ACTV.
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GOPisEvil Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 02:36 PM
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1. If they could come up with a list of people they hate and stick to it,
I'd be more likely to listen to them. As it is, they sound like nuts. Narrow single issue voters scare me. I might not like everything Gonzalo Barrientos has ever done, but I know he's a damn sight better than any Republican that would challenge him. Why would I vote for someone who is against just about everything I stand for just because they hate the idea of toll roads.

But, if you listen to our Governor, tolls are the fault of people driving hybrids and fuel efficent vehicles. We don't spend our share of the gas tax. :eyes:
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