Can someone pllllleeeease go to this and report back? The Technology Committee of Citizens for Equality, who has given significant input into Pena's evoting bill, would really like to be kept informed
The ACLU and EFF recently won a preliminary injunction in its lawsuit against the State of Texas concerning whether the Texas Open Meetings Act applies to the meetings of Texas' Election Examiners. As part of the ACLU's victory, the state of Texas will be holding its first ever public voting system examination (URLs below). Any vendor who wants to sell a system in Texas, or even ship an upgrade to its existing software, is required to go through this process.
The public meeting will be Monday morning, February 28, from 8:30am noon, in the 2nd floor conference room of the Rusk Building (208 E. 10th St., Austin). Products from three vendors will be discussed: Diebold, ES&S, and AccuPoll. The AccuPoll system includes a ballot printer. If it's certified in Texas, that will make it the first "voter-verifiable paper ballot" electronic voting system available in our state. Diebold and ES&S are already certified in Texas and will be discussing relatively minor software upgrades that, so far as we know, make no significant improvements to the security of their systems.
Original post is here; I asked the OP to post in this forum but have not heard back so far.